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No Matter What, Just Keep Going

No Matter What, Just Keep Going

No Matter What, Just Keep Going

March 11, 2022    /      SHAWNTA BOWIE    /    0 comments

With some much going on in the world, how do you stay sane while dealing with your own issues? Because I’m living with fibromyalgia one of the main questions the doctors often ask is “Are you depressed”? I never understood why until my relationship progressed. 

I am no longer in control of my own body, Fabio is. I have limitations to what I can do, my life is no longer as I knew it. I have to adjust to my current normal. The pain I experience is indescribable and makes me want to shut down. I had to give up working because it’s too much to handle, physically. I’ve lost friends and significant others, all because Fabio was too much for them. Then you have, what I like to call “STINGERS” who are individuals that are mean, say mean things and make you feel bad for not feeling good or being able to move like you once did.  

In the midst of all of it, life is still happening. So, tell me how I’m supposed to keep smiling and keep pushing when so much is going on and people love to dismiss you or tell you that you complain too much or just get over it. 

But now that question makes sense to me. 

I’ve never been depressed but I’ve come close to it. I get frustrated and feel defeated because i struggled with accepting my new normal. I get tired of taking medicine, so I stop taking it for periods at a time – stubborn I know. 

Honestly, I see why people become addicts, you just want something to drown the pain away. Fabio messes with my mental, like no other. I have to be strong-minded to handle all of this without letting it break me (let me tell you it’s not easy.) 

Ways I fight Depression: 

  1. Pray for strength (mental). 

When my body is at its worse, my praying game has to be at an all-time high. That’s how I defeat Fabio. My flesh may be weak and under attack but my spirits always remain high because I talk to God, I plead with God to always protect my spirit and soul. 

  1. Support Groups + Friends! 

I’ve found several support groups which helps because I get to vent with no judgement, I blog as another outlet and I surround myself with positivity. I have amazing friends that I can be fully myself with (bad days and all), especially my bestie, we always pray together and send crazy funny memes. 

  1. Unplug from everyone and everything. 

To answer the question, I’m not depressed. But, just a few words of advice. you don’t know who is. Don’t be so fast to dismiss someone, be kind, speak to strangers, and smile you never know what a person is battling and your kind gesture could just save a life.  

 Lately I’ve been trying to figure out how I’m supposed to stay encouraged with everything that is happening. I’ve been having more bad days than good days with Fabio while trying to get adjusted to being back to work and this crazy weather. The cold and rain are not friends with Fabio at all. On top of Fabio, life is still happening and it’s been kinda heavy… I’m trying to be strong and let God continue to make something out of nothing.  

God is amazing. Everything in your life right now may seem unstable and out of control but just know that God is always in control and he will always make a way if we just TRUST HIM! We are still in the mist of a pandemic, a war is happening, Our people are being killed and so much more.. 

I say all this to say that you never know what a person is dealing with or if they are just holding on by an ounce of faith. When life gets heavy remember to just HOLD ON!! God has a plan and a purpose for your pain and the storm. The rainbow always comes after the storm. Just take it a day at a time, minute by minute, hour by hour and do what you can and give God what you can’t. I encourage you to love on your loved ones because the enemy is coming up against our health, against our finances, against our businesses, our children but WE WILL WIN! We are CHAMPIONS.  

Love you all, Tae.  











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