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A letter to my Boo Fabio (Fibromyalgia)

A letter to my Boo Fabio (Fibromyalgia)

A letter to my Boo Fabio (Fibromyalgia)

March 11, 2022    /      SHAWNTA BOWIE    /    0 comments

Dear Fibromyalgia,

Although 90% of the time we have a love-hate…. more hate relationship I want to thank you… I am the woman I am at this current moment because of the relationship between us… I want to first thank you for your unwarranted presence in my life. That alone taught me how to adjust and adapt to things, events or situations that I encounter with no warning. Next, I would like to thank you for the pain; the mild, the severe and especially the excruciating pain. Through this, I have learned the limits of my mind,  my body, and my spirit so I know just how far I can push myself, stretch myself and be my normal self. This pain has definitely made me grow even more spiritually, because some days only praying and talking to God gets me through, remove my weakened moments and keeps me from losing it although I’ve come pretty close at times.  I know some nights God be like ugh it’s her calling again, I’ll just let it ring I just answered my last prayer for tonight and she still up calling somebody. 

I also need to thank you for breaking me down,  physically, mentally and emotionally. I would not be the STRONG WARRIOR THAT I AM TODAY… Most days I don’t even know where I pull the strength from to even function when I need to but I do it. I have the strength to accept that not every day will be a great one but it’s still a day and that was kind of hard when we first starting dating. But, as time went on and our relationship progressed, I learned some of your pros and cons and how to handle them. I now have the strength to be content on my crappy days and not let them tear down my mental but most important I have the strength to be UNAPOLOGETICALLY WITH YOU!!! 

Last but not least, I must thank you for CHOOSING ME! Although this has been one hell of a storm for me i wouldn’t trade you for anything. Greatness is developed in discomfort and Lord knows everything about you makes me uncomfortable. But God always gives you a lifeline during the hail and rain.. for me, he gave me UNIQUELY BEAUTIFUL then LIFE LINE. He knew my heart and my spirit was going to need a small piece of heaven on earth through all the hell I was getting ready to face, So I owe that to you. I’m more focused and I get to really think things through and plan things out because some days that is all I can do. I’m looking forward to this next chapter of our relationship… I still hate you most of the time but my heart is so much more pure, free and calm because of you so thank you again.












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